I wanted to provide everyone with an update on the upcoming cricket season.
Due to the Covid lockdown it is unclear exactly when the competition will start, but we are hopeful it will be sometime in November (most likely late November). With a shortened season the competition is likely to be predominately 1-day fixtures.
Once the season does commence it is likely that it will be a requirement for all players, officials and volunteers to be vaccinated. Accordingly we urge all club members to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
It is also likely that there will only be a limited notice period before the competition commences. Accordingly, it is important that players undertake their own preseason training activity (both cricket and fitness) to the extent that covid restrictions allow. I have included a useful document from Cricket NSW on pre-season physical preparation below.
Lastly, we would like to know exactly who is playing this coming season. Many players have already pre-registered via the survey that was previously distributed. If you have not yet filled out the survey and are intending to play can you please complete the survey ASAP.
In the weeks and months ahead we can expect to get back to a normal life. It will be great to have cricket being played and to once again be able to come together as a club.
Michael Cant
GDCC President