Founded in 1905, the Gordon District Cricket Club has a proud history of participation in Sydney’s premier grade cricket competitions. During this period the club has won the club championship four times, the first-grade premiership on six occasions and has won many lower grade premierships. As well as team successes, Gordon has produced a long list of representative players – including 19 Australian Test representatives and more than 40 NSW players.

Amongst these are some of the greatest names in Australian cricket – Charlie McCartney, Victor Trumper, Bert Oldfield, Neil Harvey and Brian Taber. Gordon’s record of producing first class cricketers has continued throughout more recent eras – names like Adam Gilchrist, Phil Emery, Matthew Nicholson, Mason Crane and Matt Parkinson played for Gordon. The Stags continue to attract many talented young cricketers. This was highlighted in the 2020-21 season when our Poidevin-Grey Shield (U21) team were joint premiers.
The Gordon Women’s Cricket Club was established in 1982-83. Some of the greatest names in women’s cricket have played for the Gordon Club including Lisa Sthalekar. The club has won The Ann Mitchell Club Championship trophy on ten occasions. The 2018-19 season was the most successful in the history of the women’s club.
The Gordon District Junior Cricket Club was formed in 1952 and plays its cricket within the North Shore Junior Cricket Association (NSJCA). Gordon Juniors is a vibrant cricket club and provides cricket for boys and girls in teams from the in2Cricket to the Under 17s.
Reflecting this history and tradition, the club boasts a strong following amongst North Shore cricket fans today and a long list of ex-players who continue to support the Stags.